Southeast Trophy Deer Association

Vice President's Message - From Dr Bill Leffler - Summer

2 May 2024 4:35 PM | Samantha Uchytil (Administrator)

Vice President’s Message

from Dr. Bill Leffler

from Dr. Bill Leffler


There were a few people missing at this year’s auction but none missed more by me than our President Smitty. He would have been there if his doctors would have let him, but unfortunately, he was re-hospitalized just days before our event. He is doing better but our continued prayers go out to him and all of those in our deer farming with medical issues. His shoes were very large indeed to try to fill. Thank you for your patience with me at this year’s auction.

I do have to apologize to everyone who came expecting Keith Warren to be at our event. I spoke with him on Wednesday evening just before the event when he informs me that a personal conflict had come up and he would not make it to our event. Having less than 48 hours there was no way I could get the word out in time, for that I am sorry.

Florida’s Ag Commissioner, Mr. Wilton Simpson did speak Friday evening to the audience about many of his accomplishments but for some unknown reason he failed to address the topic of CWD. Fortunately, we do have the answers to a number of questions on that issue which he was supposed to address. He told me that these were prepared for him by FWC personnel in advance of our event so that he would be better informed. These answers are found in this issue and give us an insight about FWC’s beliefs concerning CWD.

You will also find Part 2: The Truth About CWD, an in-depth article which addresses the same questions but with very different answers. What will surprise you is the answers. Many are either unknown or known by only a few and/or seldom shared with the public. This information is critical for the public and deer farmers to better understand CWD and how to protect ourselves from those who might try to take away our rights. Let science speak for itself! Speaking of taking away someone’s rights, you may be quite alarmed to really learn what is actually happening in the CWD Quarantine Zone, see the interview with Steve Padgett in this issue.

I want to thank Dr. Juan Campos for the fine article on Capture Myopathy, a problem that will arise  sooner or later for many deer farmers and preserve owners.

I want to wish everyone a very joyous and hopefully stress-free fawning season. Please remember to get your pens ready (fire ant free with Extinquish and limed), fawn paste, and all your other supplies ordered before the first fawns arrive. I have already heard from many that they are having problems finding C&E antitoxin, certain medications, and even ear tags. Don’t wait, order all your supplies asap. Regardless if you plan on bottle feeding or not, have supplies ready just in case of emergencies.

The next time we will be getting together will be for our Summer Picnic, the date, time and location to be announced. Look on our website for information and your emails that we send out from Southeast Trophy Deer Association. If you have not been getting emails from us, please check your junk or spam files and reset your settings to receive them. This year all donors were either emailed (when possible) or mailed, a Thank You letter for their charitable donation to a 501-C non-profit for tax recording.

Memberships are now annual and expired on December 31st. If you hear from a friend and fellow deer farmer who has not received the Southeast Tines or any communications, ask them to double check their membership status first, as well as get in touch with any board member who can assist them.

To quote a friend of mine, “the easiest way to ruin a friendship is to talk politics or religion, and the best surefire way to bring people together was to find a common cause or enemy”. Well folks, we are ALL in the same industry, we need to put any and all differences aside and become united and help to support one another. Our common enemy wants to use CWD as a cause to one day kill our deer and shut us down. We must get the TRUTH ABOUT CWD to as many as possible and always let the science speak loud and clear.

As always, your Board and I are here to HELP AND SERVE YOU, with your active participation we can continue to accomplish great things. If you have not already renewed your membership, please go online to our website and do so.

Stay Safe, Well, United, and “Florida Strong”

God Bless, Dr. Bill Leffler

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