Southeast Trophy Deer Association


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  • 27 Sep 2024 2:48 PM | Samantha Uchytil (Administrator)

    Vice President’s Message:

    It’s funny how a day can change everything. This message was finished and ready for print but is today August 4th being re-written as Florida prepared for its first hurricane of the 2024 season.  My prayer and best wishers go out to all.

    Florida Strong is not just a motto of The Southeast Trophy Deer Association, nor are they just words.  Those two words embrace and describe the deer we grow and our deer farmers in general.  We are tough, no wind, or another 12-20 inches of rain stop us.

    Yesterday we had our summer Picnic at the Austin Corey Learning Center outside of Gainesville, where 47 people drove out of or into rain to attend.  We are fortunate to have the folds for CHeRI  provide great education as always.  Ashley from Medgene discussed their newest project, a vaccine for Blue Tounge.

    Tim and I were happy to discuss and share some of our secrets of fawn care and bottle-feeding techniques. 

    We had our seasonal annual dart gun competition, with a larger target so that everyone would have a much easier chance to win.  Lots of fun and laughs were had by all.  Let’s just say that next year the target may be larger for everyone, that is except for Bella Leffler, she graciously withdrew her shooting core form the competition, allowing June Troy to win.

    This generosity was stepped up when “Little John” Entry gave back to SETDA the 270 Caliber Rifle he won in the raffle so that it could be raffled off again at the 2025 Spring Fling.

    Thanks to the kind and generous support from “Bosten” Wash with Antler Xtreme Deer Feed, Thomas Hardware, Pneu-Dart, Dan-Inject, and Dr. Ray Favero, and all those in attendance, we were able to raise $2,904.25.

    Not to let his son outdo him, John Entry pledged to match that amount, as long as SEDA would put 100% of the funds into a PAC.  It didn’t take but a moment or so for the entire board of directors to unanimously agree.

    The BOD and I all agree, that for any PAC to be effective it must represent ALL deer farmers and preserve owners in the state, regardless of if they were part of SETDA, or any other deer association, now or ever.  It is critical that we are all united against a common foe.

    In an attempt to do just that, a political action committee is to be formed and called “Florida United Deer Association PAC”, with it’s slogan being SAVE FLORIDA’S DEER.  It is not to be under the control of SETDA nor any one group, but rather will be funded and supported by ALL… (More to come in the future).

    FWC is planning a 1 ½ day long meeting the week of August 19th to discuss new rule changes in light of CWD now being discovered in Florida.  The exact date is not yet posted.  Watch for this news on Facebook, email, and on our website.  It is imperative to have a large attendance.  By the way, they received over $250,000 to surveil (test) wild deer and over $220,000 to surveil (test) captive deer for the 2023 fiscal year, which runs from 10/1/23 through 9/30/24.  Wouldn’t you like to know exactly how those funds, which they received from the Federal Government, are line item budgeted!

    In this issue you will find part 3 The Truth About CWD.

    A great man once said, doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is INSANITY!

  • 28 Aug 2024 2:47 PM | Samantha Uchytil (Administrator)


    From Vice President Bill Leffler: FWC Meeting to Discusses Proposed Rule Changes


    FWC Meeting will be September 2nd and 3rd

    The meeting is open to the public but the public will not be permitted to speak.  Questions should be given to the TAG team and, time permitting, the TAG team will bring them up on the publics behalf.

    This update was made on 8-28-24

    Hello everyone,

    I was just informed of the date, time, and location for the upcoming meeting between FWC and TAG Team to discuss their proposed rule changes which will affect every deer farmer, preserve owner, land owner, and all Florida citizens.

    This meeting, like all of their meetings is open to the public.

    It is to be held at the Hilton Ocala on August 20 and 21, from 9 am to 4 pm. It is supposed to be a 1 1/2 day meeting.

    As soon as I am informed of the meeting's agenda I will forward it to all. I do not know why FWC waited so long to finalize the meeting, but it gives us such a short time frame to get the word out.

    Please help me and post this on your personal social media sites. I hope that Ryan can get it on SETDA'S Facebook page as well. I will get it on our website this morning. We need a big turnout to "Save Florida's Deer".

    Hope to see you there.

  • 2 May 2024 5:38 PM | Samantha Uchytil (Administrator)


    Deer Meat Didn't Cause Hunters' Deaths

    Story by Mike Snider, USA TODAY

    Concerns about chronic wasting disease have heightened after a case report surfaced of two hunters who developed neurological disorders and died after eating venison from a population of deer that may have been infected with "zombie deer disease."

    The report of the two hunters who died in 2022, presented in early April at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, did not prove the transmission of chronic wasting disease (CWD) from deer to humans, the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio researchers wrote.

    However, the researchers wrote, the case "emphasizes the need for further investigation into the potential risks of consuming CWD-infected deer and its implications for public health."

    There have been no cases of CWD in people reported to date, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But past studies raised concerns that CWD could "pose a risk to people," the CDC has said, suggesting "it is important to prevent human exposures to CWD."

    Here's what to know about the hunters' deaths and the CDC's response to the report.

    CDC: Deer meat did not lead to hunters' illnesses, death

    About the 2022 report, the agency agreed with the researchers "that there is a need for careful investigation of chronic wasting disease (CWD) as a potential risk to people's’ health," CDC epidemiologist Ryan Maddox said in a statement to USA TODAY.

    But the CDC reviewed the 2022 cases and considered the two men's deaths as "part of the normal number of cases of CJD (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease) we see in the U.S.," he said.

    The men died after developing Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), which like CWD is a prion disease, a class of fatal neurological disorders, which can affect humans and animals, and usually progress rapidly and are always fatal. In prion diseases, certain proteins in the brain begin to fold abnormally, causing brain damage and other symptoms, the CDC says.

    "A history of hunting and/or eating venison does not mean that someone got CJD that way," Maddox said. "Many Americans hunt and even more eat venison. Some will develop sporadic CJD by chance and others will not."

    Click Here for Full Article

  • 2 May 2024 4:35 PM | Samantha Uchytil (Administrator)

    Vice President’s Message

    from Dr. Bill Leffler

    from Dr. Bill Leffler


    There were a few people missing at this year’s auction but none missed more by me than our President Smitty. He would have been there if his doctors would have let him, but unfortunately, he was re-hospitalized just days before our event. He is doing better but our continued prayers go out to him and all of those in our deer farming with medical issues. His shoes were very large indeed to try to fill. Thank you for your patience with me at this year’s auction.

    I do have to apologize to everyone who came expecting Keith Warren to be at our event. I spoke with him on Wednesday evening just before the event when he informs me that a personal conflict had come up and he would not make it to our event. Having less than 48 hours there was no way I could get the word out in time, for that I am sorry.

    Florida’s Ag Commissioner, Mr. Wilton Simpson did speak Friday evening to the audience about many of his accomplishments but for some unknown reason he failed to address the topic of CWD. Fortunately, we do have the answers to a number of questions on that issue which he was supposed to address. He told me that these were prepared for him by FWC personnel in advance of our event so that he would be better informed. These answers are found in this issue and give us an insight about FWC’s beliefs concerning CWD.

    You will also find Part 2: The Truth About CWD, an in-depth article which addresses the same questions but with very different answers. What will surprise you is the answers. Many are either unknown or known by only a few and/or seldom shared with the public. This information is critical for the public and deer farmers to better understand CWD and how to protect ourselves from those who might try to take away our rights. Let science speak for itself! Speaking of taking away someone’s rights, you may be quite alarmed to really learn what is actually happening in the CWD Quarantine Zone, see the interview with Steve Padgett in this issue.

    I want to thank Dr. Juan Campos for the fine article on Capture Myopathy, a problem that will arise  sooner or later for many deer farmers and preserve owners.

    I want to wish everyone a very joyous and hopefully stress-free fawning season. Please remember to get your pens ready (fire ant free with Extinquish and limed), fawn paste, and all your other supplies ordered before the first fawns arrive. I have already heard from many that they are having problems finding C&E antitoxin, certain medications, and even ear tags. Don’t wait, order all your supplies asap. Regardless if you plan on bottle feeding or not, have supplies ready just in case of emergencies.

    The next time we will be getting together will be for our Summer Picnic, the date, time and location to be announced. Look on our website for information and your emails that we send out from Southeast Trophy Deer Association. If you have not been getting emails from us, please check your junk or spam files and reset your settings to receive them. This year all donors were either emailed (when possible) or mailed, a Thank You letter for their charitable donation to a 501-C non-profit for tax recording.

    Memberships are now annual and expired on December 31st. If you hear from a friend and fellow deer farmer who has not received the Southeast Tines or any communications, ask them to double check their membership status first, as well as get in touch with any board member who can assist them.

    To quote a friend of mine, “the easiest way to ruin a friendship is to talk politics or religion, and the best surefire way to bring people together was to find a common cause or enemy”. Well folks, we are ALL in the same industry, we need to put any and all differences aside and become united and help to support one another. Our common enemy wants to use CWD as a cause to one day kill our deer and shut us down. We must get the TRUTH ABOUT CWD to as many as possible and always let the science speak loud and clear.

    As always, your Board and I are here to HELP AND SERVE YOU, with your active participation we can continue to accomplish great things. If you have not already renewed your membership, please go online to our website and do so.

    Stay Safe, Well, United, and “Florida Strong”

    God Bless, Dr. Bill Leffler

  • 12 Apr 2024 4:57 PM | Samantha Uchytil (Administrator)

    NADR is excited to roll out the all-new GMS Web App. This new GMS product offers the deer breeder/farmer the latest in technology and data capturing from the NADR database. GMS clients will be able to access their data via any platform, using any device. The following features are just a few of the many tools included in GMS! 

    Herd Inventory - Track all aspects of the herd, including tags, names, state id, birth weight, sires, dams, etc. Display unlimited pictures of each animal. Record medications for each animal.

    DNA Submittal & Retrieval - A few clicks, and the paperwork is ready to go via online submittal. When the specimen has been processed, retrieve the lineage and DNA information back into GMS.

    GEBV/Codons - Receive and store GEBV score and Codon values from NADR for each animal. 

    Lineage/Pedigree -The fully interactive lineage screen displays lineage and pictures for each animal. Optionally, you can display the GEBV score. 

    Doe Line - Customizable field for each animal to record anchor doe detail to display on reports or grouping. 

    Pen and Group Management - Create and assign as many pens or groups as desired. Pen and group detail included in inventory reports allows for sorting and reviewing animals by pen or group.

    Designed for All Species - NADR has spent countless hours with people in the industry to develop a program that will work for all Cervid species as well as Exotics.

    More to Come! – We will be rolling out more features in the coming year such as Dream Deer, Animal Transfers, Customizable Reporting, Email Notification of updates.

    It will be easy to sign up and transfer your data. 

    An email and link will be sent to view a demo of the GMS Web App and discuss your data.

    For existing customers, we will provide instructions for locating and uploading the GMS database backup file.

    NADR staff will then do all the work to get you up and running.

  • 12 Apr 2024 4:03 PM | Samantha Uchytil (Administrator)

    Vice President's Message

    from Dr. Bill Leffler

    Welcome One and All

    Winter is now behind us and 2024 is looking brighter than ever.  As deer farmers it's a time to kick back and relax and watch our deer get big and fat again.  Our does are bred, our breeder bucks' job is finished as they now rejoin younger bucks to put on weight and get ready to begin growing antlers, and our fawns are quickly growing and developing.  

    By now our children and other kids are looking forward to Spring break, and what better place to bring them than Orlando.  Come and spend a day or two at this year's SETDA SPRING FLING Auction, March 15-16th at the Double Tree Hilton by the airport.  

    The Fl Ag Commissioner, Wilton Simpson, will be speaking Friday and updating us about the status of CWD in Florida and answering some of the questions you've submitted.  I was overwhelmed with the hundreds of questions that I received from Florida land owners and deer farmers for Mr. Simpson.  There were far too many for him to be able to answer in such a limited time while he is with us.  Therefore, I will attempt to address as many as possible in this issue and upcoming issues.  When it comes to CWD, there seems to be more questions than answers and is still very misunderstood.   Unfortunately,   some are still trying to sensationalize "Zombie" deer as can be seen on social media.  Those antics help no one. 

    Keith Warren will be filming at this year's event.  The topic of his show, The Truth About CWD.  All costs for the production being paid for by the Southeast Trophy Deer Association.  It's our combined effort to inform and educate the public as well.  It will be broadcast on YouTube's Deer Farming Channel and on the Pursuit Channel through December 2025.

    It is always important to "Remember the Mission" when dealing with Federal and State agencies, including the FWC ( article in this issue).   Florida's response plan, for farms, in the CWD management zone, as currently stated, FDACS will " seek approval of captive cervid owners .... to identify, remove, and test any sick or dead cervids".   We are very fortunate, that everything in the Response Plan talks about "owner's choice to depopulate and test".   Owners can refuse to depopulate and test AND they can still sell deer and hunts (with restrictions).   

    This year's Spring Fling looks to be bigger and better than ever.  We have received donations from across the country, representing some of the best deer and products in the industry.  The Board and I, want to thank all of our sponsors, advertisers, consignors, and donors.   We ask you to remember that as well, because without their support events like this are not possible.

    Please keep our President, Smitty and his family in your prayers.  I look forward to seeing him hand out our first Scholarship check to a very qualified recipient, Presli Busby.

    I want to introduce our newest board members:  Matt Young , Jack Boyd, Mike Mansfield, and Ryan Stubbs.

    As you can see, your Board of Directors have been very busy working on your behalf.  

    If you have not had a chance yet to see our new website, please check it out.  You can also find us on Facebook.   Your board is always ready to HELP AND SERVE YOU.

    To quote a friend of mine, "Facts are facts, the truth is the truth, and science evolves".

    As Always, Stay Safe, Well, and "Florida Strong".

    God Bless

  • 28 Mar 2024 1:52 PM | Anonymous

    NADR is excited to roll out the all-new GMS Web App. This new GMS product offers the deer breeder/farmer the latest in technology and data capturing from the NADR database. GMS clients will be able to access their data via any platform, using any device. The following features are just a few of the many tools included in GMS! 

    Herd Inventory - Track all aspects of the herd, including tags, names, state id, birth weight, sires, dams, etc. Display unlimited pictures of each animal. Record medications for each animal.

    DNA Submittal & Retrieval - A few clicks, and the paperwork is ready to go via online submittal. When the specimen has been processed, retrieve the lineage and DNA information back into GMS.

    GEBV/Codons - Receive and store GEBV score and Codon values from NADR for each animal. 

    Lineage/Pedigree -The fully interactive lineage screen displays lineage and pictures for each animal. Optionally, you can display the GEBV score. 

    Doe Line - Customizable field for each animal to record anchor doe detail to display on reports or grouping. 

    Pen and Group Management - Create and assign as many pens or groups as desired. Pen and group detail included in inventory reports allows for sorting and reviewing animals by pen or group.

    Designed for All Species - NADR has spent countless hours with people in the industry to develop a program that will work for all Cervid species as well as Exotics.

    More to Come! – We will be rolling out more features in the coming year such as Dream Deer, Animal Transfers, Customizable Reporting, Email Notification of updates.

    It will be easy to sign up and transfer your data. 

    An email and link will be sent to view a demo of the GMS Web App and discuss your data.

    For existing customers, we will provide instructions for locating and uploading the GMS database backup file.

    NADR staff will then do all the work to get you up and running.

  • 7 Dec 2023 12:49 PM | Samantha Uchytil (Administrator)

    CWD Detected in a “Biosecure” Research Facility of Texas Parks & Wildlife. This area was double-fenced and a CWD test positive deer still appeared! Maybe now there will be more acceptance of a spontaneous nature to this disease! It has been recognized in other TSEs! 

    Perhaps it is time that State and Federal Agencies stop attempting to treat CWD as if it were a bacteria or virus and understand that prions have been with us for hundreds of years. We have and will continue to live with them.  Since the appearance of CWD the whitetail deer population has only continued to increase and efforts to stop the spread and control the disease have failed. Texas and other State and Federal Agencies have been killing more deer than CWD.  In my opinion this needs to STOP.  Double or triple fencing does not keep birds or other flying insects from bringing the prion into our pens.

    - Dr Bill Leffler

    Vice President, SETDA

    News Release  

    Media Contact: TPWD Press Office,, 512-389-8030 Dec. 1, 2023

    Chronic Wasting Disease Detected

    Management Area

    at Wildlife

    AUSTIN — Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) biologists have reported a suspect-positve case of Chronic Wastng Disease (CWD) in a 14-month-old captve male white-tailed deer at the Kerr Wildlife Management Area (WMA) research facility. The detection resulted from ante-mortem testng conducted on all captive white-tailed deer as part of ongoing research. Samples from the buck were sent to the National Veterinary Service Laboratory in Iowa for confirmation.

    Out of an abundance of caution, TPWD staff euthanized all deer in the research facility and collected post-mortem samples, which resulted in no additional detections. TPWD will continue monitoring for CWD throughout the research facility and the WMA.

    “TPWD staff are disappointed to abruptly end nearly 50 years of white-tailed deer research that has significantly influenced deer management in Texas and across the country” said John Silovsky, Wildlife Division Director. “Staff will continue to investigate opportunities to enhance the understanding of this insidious disease in both captive environments and free-ranging populations.”

    Built in 1974, the high-fenced research facility offers researchers facilities to study white-tailed deer in a controlled setting. The 23-acre facility now is double high fenced and consists of breeding and rearing enclosures, and a series of other structures that facilitate the safe handling of research animals.

    The initial stock of deer in the research facility consisted of native Texas whitetails obtained from various locations throughout the state. TPWD did not routinely move deer into or out of the facility after that initial stocking.

    The research herd has been maintained as a pedigreed herd investigating nutritional, age and genetic relationships in deer. 

    Research programs in the facility have supported wild deer herd management activities, outreach programs, trainings and the development of antler regulations across the state.

    The Kerr WMA has conducted CWD surveillance of its wild and captive deer herds since 2002. Surveillance efforts within the research facility totaled 242 regulatory tests since 2018. Wild deer harvested on the WMA through the public hunting program and field research since 2018 have provided an additional 259 regulatory tests with no detections.

    TPWD has intensified its investigations within the facility for the presence of CWD prions since May 8, when the agency received conflicting results —from a presumptive positive RT-QuIC amplification test

    Kerr Captive Deer Research Facility

    and not-detected regulatory tests— on a female deer euthanized in

    January of this year. Assessments within the facility this summer included surveillance with swabs of equipment, water and feed sites paired with targeted euthanasia and tissue testing. Subsequent amplification and regulatory tests confirmed not-detected results on the 66 deer postmortem tested, as part of the investigation. Remaining individuals in the facility were screened with ante-mortem tonsil and rectal biopsies in October resulting in the positive detection from a tonsil biopsy on the 14-month-old male.

    CWD is a fatal neurological disease found in certain cervids including deer, elk, moose and other members of the deer family. This slow, progressive disease may not produce visible signs in susceptible species for several years after infection. As the disease process continues, animals with CWD may show changes in behavior and appearance. Clinical signs may include progressive weight loss, stumbling or tremors with a lack of coordination, loss of appetite, teeth grinding, abnormal head posture and/or drooping ears, and excessive thirst, salivation or urination.

    CWD has an incubation period that can span years, so the first indication of the disease in a herd is often found through surveillance testing rather than observed clinical signs. Early detection and proactive monitoring improve the state’s response time to the detection of CWD and can greatly reduce the risk of further disease spread.

    In Texas, the disease was first discovered in 2012 in free-ranging mule deer along a remote area of the Hueco Mountains near the Texas-New Mexico border. CWD has since been detected in Texas captive and free-ranging cervids, including white-tailed deer, mule deer, red deer and elk.

    For more information on previous detections in Texas and CWD best management practices for hunters

     and landowners, visit TPWD's CWD page. For more information about the Kerr WMA and research projects visit Kerr WMA web page.

  • 3 Oct 2023 9:25 AM | Anonymous

    As the deer industry evolves, the North American Deer Registry (NADR) is evolving right along with it. What began in 2007 as a cooperative effort between the Texas Deer Association (TDA) and the North American Deer Farmers Association (NADeFA) for the purpose of validating the industry by providing pedigree verification, NADR continues to utilize technology to move the industry forward.

    Combining GMS along with NADR’s recent technology upgrades, including NADR Online and NADR Interactive, will allow breeders to utilize technology to create a more efficient process from sample submission to receipt of results. NADR will assemble a team of power users and technology veterans to work over the next 6 months to create a web based mobile friendly application that all breeders can benefit from.

    GMS subscribers should continue to use the current GMS platform until the transition is made in the Spring of 2024. We are excited about this new feature and will have updates as we get closer to the rollout. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to call the NADR Office.


    Gary Cook

    Executive Director, 

    North American Deer Registry

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